Earth Week Special $25


Earth Week Special $25 〰️

The Fearless Farmers Eco-Literacy Programs are designed for those who strive to make the world a better place. Whether you are an educator, a farmer, or a concerned member of our blue planet, you can spark your community forward.

Rooted in Regenerative Agriculture, Holistic Management, and Ecosystem Teaching, our programming is designed to help you inspire the next generation to shift their worldview toward regeneration.

Fearlessly Bring Eco-Literacy to Your Community.

Find Your Spark: Ground Down with Us

Grounding Down is our introductory offering that will validate your readiness for transformation and inspire your path to sparking meaningful change. Weaving together the foundational elements of three disciplines, Grounding Down sets the stage, introducing you to our community and methods before you being our full program.

You can expect:

  • A welcome module

  • An overview of Regenerative Agriculture, Holistic Management, and Ecosystem Teaching

  • Community building and self grounding activities

Ultimately, Grounding Down is an invitation to take time to rest and reflect, to find joy in the ordinary and extraordinary, and look more closely at the world around you.

*Grounding Down can be taken as a standalone class to help you choose the best regenerative path for you, however, enrollment is required before stepping into the full Eco-Literacy Program.

About the Fearless Farmers Eco-Literacy Program

The Fearless Farmers Eco-Literacy Program was designed by certified curriculum designers with expertise in education, ecology, place-based, and experiential learning. To expand our Eco-Literacy, we need to teach and learn within an ecosystem.

But real change starts within - so our program is also about learning to regenerate yourself.

Throughout the Fearless Farmers Eco-Literacy Program, you can expect to connect with your child-like self as you explore your artistry and your unique ability to teach others while re-energizing yourself.

Our expertise lies in curriculum development, ecological education, and the hands-on holistic management of our own regenerative farm and agritourism business.

That’s why we use a Learn, Experience, Reflect, and Connect model throughout the online course and the on-site intensive that allows you to immerse yourself fully into the program.

Each week, you'll delve deep into each concept covered in the online session with self-guided required readings.


Throughout the course, you will be prompted with place-based experiences that complement your learning.


It’s crucial to pause and reflect, so each session poses a guiding question for you to sit with and answer for yourself.



At the end of each session, you will connect with the fellow members in your cohort and the Fearless community.

Not only do we share the foundations of regenerative agriculture, every learner in our program earns a microcredential and gets to connect with the Fearless Farmers Network! Whether you’re looking for a farm to teach at, a community to share your spark with, or just want to collaborate and connect with your peers for ongoing support. You don’t have to do it alone, we can be Fearless together in community.

The Fearless Program Pathways

The Ambassador

This pathway is for the folks that want to take action and inspire in their community! You are will earn a Microcredential and have the become an Eco-Litearcy Ambassador.

This is our core material and training. Every learner in the program will take these sessions. You will learn how connecting to place supports yourself and future generations. You will create an action plan to spark your community.

The Farmer

This pathway is for the farmer that wants to add eco-literacy as an enterprise to the farm.

In addition to the core material and training, you receive support in how to develop eco-literacy education as an additional revenue stream.

The Educator

This pathway is for the educator that wants to add eco-literacy to their lesson plans.

In addition to the core material and training, you will have the Fearless Farmers curriculum, which will support you in embedding regenerative agriculture in your classroom.

The Onsite intensive will take place at our headquarters, Deeply Rooted Ranch, in Burton, TX.

The Intensive is a required element (and included cost) for all Fearless Farmers Certified Educators and highly encouraged for all other program participants. All participants must have fully completed their online learning prior to the onsite intensive.

The 5-Day Intensive provides hands-on experience at our regenerative ranch and helps you gain a deeper connection to the curriculum.

2024 Dates Options:

  • September 16th - 20th

  • December 2nd -6th

What You’ll Do

At this intensive, you will have very full days on the ranch Monday through Thursday and a 1/2 day Friday. You’ll get your hands dirty between moments of rest and reflection. In the evening, we offer regenerative activities (like massages and yoga) if you would like to participate.

Intensive Includes:

  • 4.5 Days of experiential learning.

  • All meals with our meal plan.

  • The option to stay on site.*

*We encourage you to stay onsite if possible. These spots are limited.

The Onsite Intensive


All participants who complete program pathway components receive a certificate. We are working toward ensuring educators can claim continuing education credits for our program.

  • Everyone who completes our Eco-Literacy online learning course and constructs an action plan will earn this baseline credential. You are a leader in your community.

  • Every thriving regenerative community needs at least one Ambassador. These participants have completed our Microcredential plus onsite intensive. Ambassadors also have the option to purchase a curriculum license.

  • These participants have completed the Microcredential through the Educator supported track. Portfolio and Intensive required. One curriculum license is included.

  • These participants have completed the Microcredential and the Farmer and/or Grower supported track. Portfolio is required, and the Intensive is optional. Certified Farmers can promote their farm programming as Fearless Farmers certified and purchase curriculum licenses if desired.

Thrive with Us!

All participants join the Fearless Farmers Network as lifetime members. This Network enables ongoing communication with like minds, exclusive opportunities to further your education, and connection with your cohort and/or other Network members in your region.

When your community has our required Educators, Farmer, and Ambassador, your community can also join our Network.

Community Spark

This community network membership is achieved as soon as your community has 2 Certified Educators, 1 Certified Farmer and at least 1 Eco-Literacy Ambassador.

Community Sparks receive quarterly check-ins from our team providing mentorship and support to grow into a thriving regenerative community.

Fearless Farmers Affiliate

Becoming an affiliate requires full Certified Educator certification and a minimum of 60 hours implementing your Portfolio. You can then help increase Eco-Literacy by teaching others how to implement the Fearless Farmers curriculum.

Access to bulk curriculum licensing and quarterly support meetings is included.

Regenerative Community

This community network membership is achieved through social proof of ongoing eco-system activities for a period of at least 12 months.

Regenerative Communities receive semi-annual check-ins from our team to sustain community success and provide ongoing learning and growth.